Additional comments on the Electroencephalographic research of Shailendra Sharma

After the EEG research of Guruji, many of the facts require a more detailed and deep consideration from the point of view of clinical psychiatry and psychology.

First, let’s consider the most well-known facts about theta and delta rhythms, the cases of their registration, and manifestation in everyday life.

Theta rhythm recorded from 4 to about 8 hertz, high electric potential of 100-150 micro volts, high amplitude waves. Detected in a state of consciousness between sleep and awakening or before the sleep, most often from 1 to 3 minutes, for the same reason called the twilight state of consciousness, this is the variation of the state of hypnotic trance, or hypnologic state. Delta rhythm in the frequency below 4 Hz.

When you are in Theta state, the person receives greater access to the subconscious part of the mind through the weakening of the protective psychological mechanisms. In this regard, the border between subconscious and consciousness — it become thin or disappears, respectively, so information can easily move in both directions, from the outside world into the subconscious and back.


Such a state allows a person is very easy to memorize or to learn foreign language, or any other information, the brain is able to remain focused for a long time, this state is ideal for superstudy and all learning processes.

Aware of this possibility, many great men used different, fairly simple techniques to enhance the theta waves, and as a result of this state, extracting ideas from the subconscious. For example, a person working for a long time to sleep in a comfortable chair with a heavy metallic ball in hand and at the time of the transition from twilight state to sleep the body relaxes the ball dropped down man awoke from the sound of hitting the ball on the floor and for some time “enjoyed” an unusual condition and ideas pulled from the subconscious.

Another interesting fact that “normal” adult human theta rhythm recorded in a state of deep psychological stress and depicts activity of nerve processes in relation to negative emotions, depressive state of hunger and pain.

How do we compare these seemingly contradictory patterns, on the one hand creative ideas and solutions with other depressive states, — the key was in the biochemistry of the brain. In theta state of the brain produces an enormous amount of endorphins (happiness hormones). In normal human brain shift in the theta mode when depressed is a defensive reaction to stress, when using the endorphins — nature is trying to help people cope with depression.

The delta rhythm brain sends a signal to the maximum growth hormone release and body processes are activated self-regeneration and self-healing, processes, strengthen the immune system.

From the standpoint of clinical psychiatry — with organic brain lesions initially detected increase of theta rhythm in the inoperable stage, dominating in all the rhythms of the brain become delta rhythm.

Brain average person works at frequencies delta rhythms in finding him in a state of deep sleep or in finding him in a state of hypnosis.

Delta rhythm is largely present in people capable of self-healing and healing others.

If the patient is in a coma, when the dominant rhythm of the delta have a favorable prognosis for his recovery (which again speaks of hidden options to recovery). The emergence and strengthening of the alpha rhythm in coma — a poor prognosis and 90% of cases leads to death, although from the perspective of an outside observer should be the opposite.

Unfortunately, modern medicine treats the protective mechanisms theta and delta waves as a pathology and not giving a chance to help the brain’s own body itself — with medication evens theta and delta waves to the state standards with the dominant alpha and beta rhythm, thus giving a false signal that “everything is in order the body is healthy, no need to fight. ” With Disabling the self-healing organism is forced to get help from the outside in the form of medicines.

Due to the rapid disappearance of theta waves in consequence of the complexity of finding a similar state there is very limited research in the so-called “Normal people”.

Based on the foregoing information with respect to theta and delta rhythms would like to place some emphasis and to draw parallels in the practice of Kriya stressing the importance of understanding of the brain and nervous system as a whole in the context of the earlier study

Any of the practitioners of Kriya Yoga is a familiar feeling of causeless joy, coming during or after practice, the reason for this is hormones that are released during the transition of the brain in theta mode. And depending on the level of practice this state can last more or less.

Confirming the words of Guruji that Kriya Yoga provides an opportunity to know yourself it must be emphasized that while in the theta rhythm we make the border between the conscious and subconscious thinner and thinner. The practice of Kriya Yoga allows the brain to gradually sink into a state of theta rhythm, and as the adaptation to retain a state of increasingly longer period and to freely explore their own subconscious.

Guruji’s words: “With practice you will become more sensitive …”being at theta waves — psychic protection barriers cease to block the work of perception allowing consciousness to directly receive information from the outside world.

The ordinary person has no opportunity in the waking state to get access to the subconscious, it requires special techniques such as hypnosis (to put him in the delta rhythm), but hypnosis most often takes place outside of human intervention, as well as in a hypnotic state is dominant delta rhythm, and the delta rhythm, the efficiency of the minimum as No work at the level of consciousness and leaving hypnosis a person loses the experience. Yogi same time works on all levels, also staying in the minds of working with the subconscious.

Become well understood the great importance emphasized by Guruji’s evening practice after falling asleep where we get a “darshan” of active processes regeneration nervous system and rejuvenate the tissues as a result of practice. That is why the serious practice of Kriya — Yoga, looks younger than his years and very quickly restored.

And in conclusion quotes from the major comments to the EEG Guruji: Answers Guruji is not reconstructed from memory knowledge, and come from the heart, the soul; brain Guruji is in a twilight state between sleep and waking. If we interpret the rhythm theta Guruji language of psychology, we can say that consciousness Guruji seamlessly works on all levels without having blocked the subconscious, like normal people.This unbelievable state of consciousness, when you can operate all the brain layers, is the result of kriya yoga. It gives us possibilities to learn our brain better, to be more creative and open-minded, and not to use all kinds of stimulators because of we have our own endorphins. And also it gives us a great desire to practice kriya and to have more researches.

Irina Goncharova
Pavel Opronenko